
Gratitude Cards

So Christmas cards have haunted me for many years. I love to receive them however selfishly find them a chore to write and address. I think (no I now know) why that is. It's society giving me a dead line telling me what I must do and by when. I realized I really don't do well with imposed upon deadlines. I basically just mentally block out the demands on me. You need to have this book report done by Monday Jen or you need to start selling houses Jen. Don't tell this passive aggressive person what to do. I'll show you I just won't do it! regardless if I know it needs to happen. I sub consciously sabotage myself.
I am aware this is not the healthiest way to live a fully present life but it was really all I knew. I need to come to the obvious answers myself with a clear mind. Not have someone drilling into my mind what I should and should not be doing and by when.

Wow off topic anyways back to the vile Christmas cards that I love to receive but despise sending. This year instead of Christmas cards I have vowed to make Gratitude cards. Not narcissistic cards that tell you what my family and I did all year because if you truly are someone close in my life you already know my comings and goings . Gratitude cards being cards I send out when I choose to friends ,family and clients just letting them know how much they are appreciated. I really do appreciate so many people in my life on so many different levels. I want to start letting them know how wonderful they are.

Such a beautiful day today a great day to start my Christmas shopping or should I say gratitude shopping.

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