[rez-uh-loo-shuhn] –noun
a resolve or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something. The act of resolving or determining upon an action or course of action, method, procedure, etc.
So I found myself focusing on January 1 ,2011 as a new beginning. 'I can't wait till 2010 is over' was a statement I was using on a daily basis. Why not take control of 2010 again? Like I had mentioned in my first post I had started 2010 owning my life and full of confidence. I am taking back control of 2010. Better late then never right?
Last night there was a lunar eclipse . Apparently the last time one had occurred on the winter solstice was 400 years ago. I had made the decision that sleep was more important to me then setting my alarm clock to watch this eclipse. I stand by this decision and am grateful to my friends who posted images of the eclipse on their facebook pages. My sleep was once again very much interrupted by a sick three old and a five year old with a nightmare. At this point in my life a much more worthy cause of waking up in the night.
So back to the resolution, it's such a hopeless cliche to have a January 1st resolution .Therefore why not set my resolutions today which also happens to be the Winter Solstice. Now the purpose of these resolutions is not to have unattainable goals but a resolve to change. Yes there are parts of my life that need tweaking and adjusting , now more so then ever. For the first time in a long time I have hope. Hope for the future with me and the kids, hope for my career, and most importantly hope for a clear and present mind.
I resolve:
-To continue blogging. As I find great clarity in it. Even though this is only day 3 of my blog I know this is what will guide me to a positive life and has already given me something to look forward to everyday.
-To embrace my friends and family and not be afraid to ask for help.
-To keep my house clean , as I find the cleanliness of my home is a pure reflection of the state of my mind. Even if I need to fake it and force myself to clean. I always feel better going to sleep with that clean mind.
I think that's good for now , I don't want to confuse these resolutions with goals. These are very attainable resolutions for me. I will also find a time to set my attainable baby step goals in the next few days.
Keeping positive
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