
If you are afraid, you are thinking of yourself

I am so mentally exhausted right now but feel I need to reflect on this day. It was a very full day of learning  and so much to take in. However the information that was being given was so very simple and straight forward. A step by step session leading me to my fullest potential. I promise not to take up three pages of my blog with all 10 hours of what I learned today . I will just share the highlights tonight.

The biggest statement that was said and truly hit home for me was If you are afraid, you are thinking of yourself.  I do believe it was this fear that has been holding me back and until today I never understood the fear and was actually quite annoyed by this trait of mine. Now apparently it was all my ego that has been holding me back.
*The act of observation changes what is being observed
*Focus on production activities and production will take care of itself.

Of course there was sooooo much more that we learned and I am anxious to learn more . I am also excited to get home and start implementing everything that I have learned into my daily life.

I am so grateful to be surrounded by greatness!

Staying positive today, how could I not?

Nighty night blog

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