The need to blog!!!!
I just finished my first session of the Ninja training. I am so incredibly thankful for being in this program. This is 100 percent where I am supposed to be this week. I felt every word Larry Kendall was saying. My mind is open to his words and his wisdom. I couldn't wait to turn to the next page in our binders. I was questioning the need for breaks. Why do we need to break when we could still be learning? I kept thinking through the session about coming right back to my room and blogging immediately after, well everything is still fresh in my mind .
What did I learn?
-I learned I need to create value to my clients by believing I am valuable.
-Regardless of my personality , regardless of the market my success will be maintained through:
My mindset
My skillset
My actions!
*The true worth is determined by how much more you give in value than you receive in payment
-Avoid drama in my life
-Tho live a fully conscious life
*Setting goals is a function of the conscious mind. Reaching those goals is a function of the non-conscious mind
-The power of my beliefs are determined by my self-image, my self talk,my self belief
*You see through your eyes but you really see through your brain
-What I focus on will expand
-Setting goals is a function of the conscious mind, How to program my mind into believing in my goals by:
. Surrounding my self with friends and people that bring value in my life. - The average of the five people I surround myself with.
. Mentors in my life to guide me
. Everything in your environment either gives you energy or can take it away
. Books and thoughts to support who you are
. Meditation and gratitudes
. Visualization of your goals
. Affirmations that you are on the right track
-How to set and achieve my goals
1. State my goal
2. Make it a positive goal
3. Write it in first person
4. Write it in present tense 'now'
5. Use all five senses to help you believe in your goal
6. Anchor the goal
7. Work on all of the above for 30 days straight, then 30 more, then 30 more...
Sitting in the class was so very powerful for me as all of my blogs have in one way or another reflected what the instructor was saying. It was like he just organized all of my thoughts and refined them.
Thank you so much for this opportunity
Staying very positive and looking forward to tomorrow!!
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